Chan is a State of Mind






A mind free of delusions and confusion; 

There are many schools of Buddhism. They differ not in the final objective of reaching enlightenment, but in their emphasis on methods of practice. A particularly important school is Chan (also called Zen in Japanese).  


The origin of Chan goes back to the Buddha. When Shakyamuni Buddha attained perfect enlightenment under the Bodhi Tree three thousand years ago, he realized that all sentient beings possess an inherently pure and complete nature. When awakened to one’s own pure nature, everyone can become a Buddha (“the enlightened one”) and achieve infinite compassion, true wisdom, and supreme peace. To achieve this goal, Chan is one of the practices that emphasizes directly realizing one’s intrinsic pure nature to attain absolute stillness and clarity, which is the Buddha’s state of mind.


中台廣傳期 落地生根

曹溪普傳,大事推演,祖師輩出。但自宋朝以後,宗門式微。民國初年,一代高僧 上虛下雲老和尚,身繫五家法脈,弘揚心法,不遺餘力。
上靈下源長老承法於 上虛下雲老和尚, 上惟下覺老和尚三十歲時,於基隆十方大覺禪寺從 上靈下源長老剃披出家、受戒,為虛雲老和尚之再傳弟子。


To achieve the Chan state of mind, proper meditation practice is very important. By clearing our minds and reflecting inward, we can perceive our buddha nature and uncover our innate wisdom and joy.


The mission of Buddha Mind Monastery is to introduce Chan Buddhism to the public, promoting social harmony by helping people discover their own wellspring of serenity in this turbulent world.